The area of intervention is the neighbourhood of Poblenou. Poblenou used to be the industrial area of Barcelona, since the industrial revolution arrived in Spain at the beginning of the 19th century. The proximity to the city and its port, the abundance of water and the low cost of land led to the establishment of district industries, especially textiles, flour mills, metallurgy, chemicals and host small workshops and stores. At the same time a rich social fabric was woven with associations and cooperatives. The aim of these organisations was to improve the workers’ living conditions, while providing them with recreational spaces and opportunities for training.

In the recent years, Poblenou has confronted a strong process of transformation. It has moved from a past as a key traditional industrial area to neoliberal present, characterised by a strong economy linked to tourism and consumption. The local population had to face a rise of the phenomenon of tourism and its consequences, an increase in the house prices, changes in the traditional physiognomy of the neighbourhood and the privatization of urban spaces.

The changes in the urban physiognomy and the productive structure of the neighbourhood are justified by the Statistic Department of the Ajuntament de Barcelona who agree with those who think that its urban landscape is changing because of touristification. Thus, according to the report made by the Barcelona’s Gabinet Técnic de Programació, between 2010 and 2016, activity linked to tourism and hospitality went from 5.6% to 9.9%, i.e., an increase of almost 100%. At the same time, traditional commerce and industry went from 28.7% to 25.4% and from 50.3% to 37.7% respectively during the same period.